A friend of mine being on her last year of high school, told me that she was tired of the same food the school was providing for her. She believed it didn't contain the proteins she needed to give her enough energy to study through out the day. As we all know, most school lunches provide fast food because its financially beneficial for the school to supply cheap foods.
Also, parents don't have time to make lunch because they are working most of the time, so kids are always depending on school to provide nutritious food for them. Besides, it's convenient for some parents to let their kids eat at school because a school program provides their child free lunch.
"School lunch was at the forefront of news and media in 2012, as students complained about being served new foods they say lack flavor. The attempt to serve healthier meals in U.S. schools is aimed at combating obesity, with more fruits and vegetables served and a daily cap on calories. It has also meant smaller servings, prompting students in Wisconsin to boycott school lunches, and leading kids in Kansas to make a music video suggesting that they aren’t getting enough food at school." Kids are so use to fast foods that when schools tries to improve their diets, they refuse to eat it because they say it lacks of flavor. This indicates that schools have provided them unhealthy foods from the start for so long that their bodies got use to unhealthy foods, so when school tries to replace junk foods with healthy ones it tastes bad for them.
the School lunch in America is totally different from Asia. I study my high school in Asia, thus they didn't really gave us the nutritive food. Needle to say the lunch in America. It's all about french fries and burger.- Wei Hung